Am găsit 32 anunțuri în Ambarcatiuni de vanzare sau schimburi
Used Yamaha 2019 Yamaha 200Hp 2 Stroke Outboard Engine For Sale Extras: Box Of Wiring Harness, Gauges And Throttle Control Hours: 180 Hours Delivery Days: DHL AIR CARGO AND MAXIMUM 4 WORKING DAYS DELIVERY OR SEA PORT DELIVERY. We sell all brands of Outboard engines (Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda, Mercury, Evinrude and Johnson) both 2 stroke and 4 stroke, and also brand new and used outboard engines. DM or Whatsapp Chat: +19703358861 Email:
All our outboard Engines are brand new original,working perfect in good conditions.we carry 4 strokes outboard engines from 20HP to 350HP of different brands such as Johnson,Evinrude,Yamaha,Honda,Suzuki,Tohatsu,Mercury outboards Purchase your choice of quality outboard engines at cheap and affordable price. Contact for Purchase. Sales Manager: Rayhan Jafar Mikhail (Moto Centro Limited) MAIL: New 2014 Yamaha Outboards F 150HP la 4Stroke $ 7000USD New 2014 Yamaha Ou...
Jeanneau Cap Camarat 5.5 WA an fabricatie 2007, integral restaurata 2021, motor Honda 115 an 2007 aprox 400 ore de functionare, cabina spatioasa (se poate dormi), Bimini original Jeanneau, sonar Garmin, pompa santina automata, dus punte, casetofon Sony cu 4 boxe marine Alpine, priza USB si normala, baterie Optima gel Bluetop, trim tabs, guvernare hidraulica, hidrofoil Stingray, 2 elice de rezerva, caseta directie cu cablu de rezerva, 6 veste salvare, peridoc Rema, inmatriculate cu inspectie si ITP valabile ...
We sell used outboard boat engines, in perfect condition, very clean with low hours and at a very affordable price. Yamaha 350HP .....$6,000 Us dollars Yamaha 300HP ....$4,000 Us dollars Yamaha 200HP .....$3,000 Us dollars Yamaha 150HP .......$2,000 Us dollars Yamaha 25hp ........$580 Us Dollars Yamaha 90HP ......$950 Us dollars Yamaha 60HP New.....$1,300 Us dollars Yamaha 115HP......$1,350 Us dollars Yamaha 40HP .....$750 Us dollars Mercury 40HP ......$1,200 Us dollars Mercury 30HP ........
Scaun capitan - vapor / barca / yacht Scaunul pentru capitan de o calitate superioara este alegerea perfecta pentru comfortul ambarcatiunii . Masura exterioara: (inaltime x latime x adancime) 490 x 400 x 390 mm Materail: imitatie piele Culoare: albastru Caracteristici: - asigura sedere comoda - impermeabil -datorita designului ergonomic nu aluneca Se va livra : 2 x scaun
Scaun capitan - vapor / barca / yacht Scaunul pentru capitan de o calitate superioara este alegerea perfecta pentru comfortul ambarcatiunii . Masura exterioara: (latime x adancime x inaltime) 425 x 410 x 500 mm Material: imitatie piele, metal, plastic Culoare: albastru/alb Caracteristici: - asigura sedere comoda - impermeabil - rabatabil - datorita designului ergonomic nu aluneca Se va livra: 2 x scaune
Scaun capitan - vapor / barca / yacht Scaunul pentru capitan de o calitate superioara este alegerea perfecta pentru comfortul ambarcatiunii . Masura exterioara: 521 x 457 x 408 mm Materail: imitatie piele Culoare:gri- alb -rosu Caracteristici: - asigura sedere comoda - impermeabil -datorita designului ergonomic nu aluneca Se va livra : 1 x scaun
Prelata rezistenta la apa - vapor / barca cu motor / yacht Aceasta prelata de calitate superioara este confectionata din material rezistent la apa si care protejeaza barcile, vapoarele sau yachturile impotriva prafului umezelii si a inghetului. Caracreristici: - rezistenta pana la -30 grade si pana la + 70 grade - protectie perfecta impotriva mizeriei sia inghetului - usor de intins - rezistenta iarna - protectie in orice sezon - confectionata din material moale - permite circulatia aerului, a...
Motor electric pentru barca cu motor Acest motor electric poate fi montata pe ambarcatiunile de dimensiuni mici, poate fi folosit si dirijat cu usurinta. Acumulatorul de 12V este usor,consola se ataseaza rapid ambarcatiunii,este compatibila oricarei barci, iar ghidonul facilitează controlabilitatea si manevrabilitatea intregii ambarcatiuni. Descrierea produsului: - motor electric cu poluare fonica minima - schimbator viteze 5 in fata 3 in spate - se paote utiliza si in apa sarata - consola r...
Amortizor protectie de colt pentru ambarcatiuni 66241, set 4 bucati Aceste amortizoare de colt va protejeaza ambarcatiunea impotriva daunelor care uneori pot fi foarte mari.Il recomandam in mod deosebit pentru danele permanente.Balonul de acostare este rezistent la impact, este rezistent la UV si este confectionat din PVC moale. Paote fi fixat atat vertical cat si orizontal. Mod fixare: prin lipire sau insurubare Atentie: bara de protectie este situata pe partea superioara a produsului, fara supapa...
Carucior pentru caiac Cu ajutorul acestui carucior din aluminiu pentru caiac, veti putea transporta cu usurinta caiacul. Descrierea produsului: - asigura un transport simplu al caiacului - doua roti inalte - cadru usor din aluminiu - pliabil, de aceea ocupa putin spatiu de depozitare - lat, suport reglabil - curea reglabila pentru fizarea caiacului - rezistenta maxima la sarcina: 70 kg Masura: - masura totala (lungime x latime x inaltime): 72 x 31 x 44 cm - pliat (lungime x latime x in...
Mercury Pro XS® outboards are engineered for those boaters who demand ultimate performance – anglers competing on the highly competitive tournament trails and powerboaters who simply crave speed and acceleration. Exclusive components and tuning extract every ounce of performance from each Pro XS model so you can take it to the limit. New Outboard Engine, Jetski, ATV And Motorcycles WWW.MATERNALSPORT.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Outboard Engine, Jetski, ATV And Motorcycles to our custom...
SPECIFICATIONS HP: 150 HP (110 kW) Engine type: 8-valve single overhead cam (SOHC) Inline 4 Displacement: 183 CID (3.0 L) Full throttle RPM: 5200-6000 Air induction: Performance-Tuned Scroll Intake Manifold Fuel induction system: Computer Controlled Multi-Port Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Recommended fuel: Unleaded Regular 87 Octane Minimum (R M/2); 90 RON 10% Ethanol Maximum Recommended oil: NMMA Certified FCW SAE 10W-30 Engine protection operator warning system: SmartCraft Engine Guardian Com...
Built for the podium and bred to win, the 2020 GP1800R is back and faster than ever. Since its release in 2017, the Yamaha GP1800R SVHO has completely dominated the Australian and World Pro Stock race scene. Pro Stock racing, also known as the ‘Manufacturers Class’, provides the best comparison of out-of-the-box performance of each manufacturers race ski offerings. From short course to long distance offshore endurance racing, no other watercraft model has achieved as many victories as the GP1800R ...
IDENTIFICATION Model year 2023 Manufacturer Sea-Doo Category Performance Rider Capacity 2 ENGINE Displacement (cc) 1630 Cylinders 3 Supercharged Yes Carburetion Type Fuel Injected Engine Stroke 4 Cooling System Closed-Loop PERFORMANCE Horsepower 300 Top Speed (mph) 67 PWR - Dry Weight (HP/lbs)* 0.38 PWR - Curb Weight (HP/lbs)* 0.33 PWR - With Rider (HP/lbs)* 0.27 DIMENSIONS Length (in) 130.6 Width (in) 49.2 Height (in) 44 Dry Weight...
WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, For sale Brand new outboard and boat engines 50 hp - 350 hp and many mores quality boat engine from best brand makers! We specialize in exporting brand new outboard engine, boat engine and PWC/Watercraft to any country of the world. We supply best of quality of outboard engine, boat engine and PWC including major models from best brand makers. Currently we offer best products and brands from: Honda Engine, Yamaha Engine, Mercury Engine, Suzuki Engine, Honda Engine and many mores! Ple...
We sell used outboard boat engines, in perfect condition, very clean with low hours and at a very affordable price. Yamaha 350HP .....$6,000 Us dollars Yamaha 300HP ....$4,000 Us dollars Yamaha 200HP .....$3,000 Us dollars Yamaha 150HP .......$2,000 Us dollars Yamaha 25hp ........$580 Us Dollars Yamaha 90HP ......$950 Us dollars Yamaha 60HP New.....$1,300 Us dollars Yamaha 115HP......$1,350 Us dollars Yamaha 40HP .....$750 Us dollars Mercury 40HP ......$1,200 Us dollars Mercury 30HP ........
For Sale Yamaha Four Stroke 300HP Outboard Engine This engine is not only powerful, but lightweight, due to its innovative plasma-fused sleeveless cylinders, which not only reduces weight but provides an increased engine capacity for improved power and performance. This engine also comes with Yamaha’s top-end technologies including a ‘drive-by-wire’ electronic throttle for smooth and precise control. Compatible with mechanical (25” shaft) or digital controls Recommended fuel: 89 Octane Shaft...
Brand new 100% original Comes with (all complete accessories included) 2 years warranty and can be used in any country in the world. Contact me directly on WhatsApp :+17179648065 Prices are wholesale which includes insurance, taxes and shipping costs. We are located in USA and we ship to anywhere in the World. Shipping via FedEx, DHL; to any country within 3 to 4 days maximum delivery time for internationals.
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